
下面是 俚语 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。


    1. 说长道短,评论他人的好坏是非
    2. English: indulge in idle gossip; backbite people; gossip about people behind their backs; gossip idly; make captious comments; random talk; speak ill of a person who is absent

    1. 旧时对妇女的蔑称,如说“大脚片”等。单用时特指妓女
    2. English: derogatory term for women


    1. 逃之夭夭(桃谐逃),戏谑的说法:他们两个人贩了桃子
    2. English: decamp; make one's get-away; show a clean pair of heels; slip away; take to one's heels; flee; beat it; get away with it


    1. 现脚手。头露原形,现出真相(指人,含贬义)。例句:他这样做,就现了包公/尽他自家~
    2. English: show oneself in one's true colors; be revealed in one's true colors; be seen [revealed] for what it is; betray oneself; completely unmasked [exposed]; expose fully one's true colors; He revealed himself for what he was.; One's features were fully
