下面是 动词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 恭敬的说法是“用饭”,戏谑的说法是“逮饭”,俚俗的说法是“开呵”、呵饭;文雅的说法是“开餐”;骂人的说法是“築饭”、“胀饭”。
- 泛指生活或生存。
- English: verb. eat; have [eat、take] a meal; keep alive; make a living
- 吃挂面。
- 参见“上吊”。
- English: eating fine dried noodles; hang oneself
- 赴宴,吃酒席。
- English: verb. be invited to dinner; attend a banquet
- 参看“扯脸”
- English: (of a girl at the time of getting married) change the hair style, clear off the fine hair on the face and neck and trim the hair on the temples
- 参看“吃饭”
- English: verb. eat; have [eat、take] a meal; keep alive; make a living
- 参看“吃饭”
- English: verb. eat; have [eat、take] a meal; keep alive; make a living
- 食用糕点。
- 砌墙。
- English: noun. pastry; cake verb. build a wall
- 【开方子】
- 比喻出主意(含贬义)。例句:你总在~/这又是你开的单子
- English: write a prescription for the patient; make an arbitrary suggestion
- 吮吸乳汁。
- English: verb. suck the breast
- 旧时指吸鸦片(毒品)。
- English: drug of abuse; take drugs