下面是 动词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- (稻田)下种
- English: transplant rice seedlings ; rice transplanting
- 下课,上课时间结束
- English: get out of class; finish class; come off from class
- 结冰:外头下了凌/~路不好走
- English: verb. freeze; ice up; ice over; frozen
- 尽量使力气:他~帮我的忙/做事真~/不~/冒~/下了神/下点神
- English: try one's best to do sth.
- 缷下门板
- (商店)开门
- English: remove the door ; open the door
- 到田里去干活
- English: go to the farmland to work
- 煮面条:我~吃/汤~/鸡蛋~
- English: cook noodles ; stewed noodles
- 气温骤降(的感觉):夜深了,外头下了寒气
- English: suddenly drop in air temperature
- 垫,用东西支、铺或亲。例句:底下顶好~一张硬纸/擦扣子要~一块布/把箱子用板子~倒
- 揣,吞(据为已有)。例句:他~了一笔/那一百块钱他~了/~得到他怀里去了。△~荷包
- English: put sth. under sth. ; hide or carry in one's clothes