下面是 名词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 身体,一个人或动物的生理组织的整体,有时专指躯干和四肢/旧时也称“身命”
- English: n. body
- 地支的第九位:~属猴
- English: the ninth of the twelve Earthly Branches
- 外貌,人或动物的表面形状:他们弟兄两个的~差不多/猴子不吃人,~难看/《元曲选·窦娥冤》“小的见他生相是个恶的,一定拿这药去药死人,久后败露,必然连累。”
- English: appearance; exterior; looks; aspect
- 一种多年生草木植物的根茎,黄褐色,有辣味,是常用的调味品,也可以入药
- English: moss; lichen
- 参看“八字”
- English: Eight Characters (in four pairs, including the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth, each pair consisting of one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, formerly used in fortune-telling); horoscope
- 人出生的年月日时
- English: birthdate
- English:the seed powder of Gorgon euryale
- 参看“色拉油”
- English: salad oil
- 叶用莴苣,叶狭长、扁圆或卵圆,可以生吃或熟吃
- English: romaine lettuce; cos lettuce; lettuce; lachca sativa
- 商业经营:做~/~好/~差/~人/生意好,买卖差(谑)
- English: business; trade