下面是 名词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 叔母,叔父的妻子,背称。旧时面称“娘”,现在一般面称“娘娘”
- English: wife of father's younger brother; aunt
- 圆珠笔的旧称,用油墨书写的一种笔,笔芯里装有油墨,笔尖是小钢珠,油墨由钢珠四周漏下。
- English: ball-point pen; ball-pen
- 包在竹笋表面的皮
- English: bamboo shell
- 旧时称“上元节”,即农历正月十五晚
- 灯节那天由糯米粉制成的甜馅汤团食品
- English: sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour (for the Lantern Festival)
- 参看“剃头”
- English: behead; decapitate
- 一种防雨胶鞋,口呈元宝形,故称。
- English: a kind of galoshes
- 旧时春节待客的茶。一般用开水沏红糖,在放上几个红枣。
- English: a kind of tea
- 原指大的金银定,也泛指一切财富。旧时春节时用作园子,鸡蛋,汤圆,红枣等的代称
- English: shoe-shaped gold ingot; shoe-shaped silver ingot
- 阳历一年的第一个月。
- English: January; the first lunar month
- 比喻恩爱夫妻
- 鸟名
- 旧时称本应配套却不配套的东西。例句:~鞋子/~票子
- English: ① an affectionate couple ② mandarin duck ③ incompatibility between various aspects of (the reform, etc.); have not been well coordinated with each other