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- 一个月的第十五天
- 元宵节,我国传统节日,在农历正月十五日:过~
- English: the 15th day of a month; the Lantern Festival (15th of the first lunar month); the Feast of Lanterns
- 指某一个月:三~比二~多三(或两)天
- English: n. month
- 佛教称管地狱的神。例句:△鬼吵~要吃豆吃/△~出告示--鬼话连篇/△~吃粑粑--鬼做
- 比喻极凶恶的人。
- English: ① Yama; King of Hell ② an extremely cruel and violent person
- 端阳,我国传统节日,农历五月初五日,有吃粽子、划龙舟等风俗
- English: Dragon Boat Festival
- 中秋节应时食品,圆形有馅
- English: moon cake
- 月中,一个月的中间几天
- English: the middle of a month
- 围绕地球转动的卫星
- English: n. moon
- 把屎
- English: hold a baby while he relieves himself
- 月亮地儿,有月光照着的地方:在~玩/坐在~谈家常
- English: under the moonlight
- 把尿
- English: help a small child urinate by holding his legs apart
2015-2024 v12.2 a-j-e-0