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- (态度)冷淡:他待别个蛮~/客来了他蛮~
- (兴趣)淡薄:他顶喜欢看戏的,如今~了
- (感情)浅:长久不来往就~了
- English: ① treat coldly ② become indifferent ③ not intimate; not close
- 浅蓝而微绿的颜色
- English: light greenish blue
- (冲或煮的)蛋羹:冲一碗~/~汤
- English: egg drop; egg flower
- 鸟卵中黄色膠状物体,球形,周围有蛋白
- English: yolk; vitelline; vitellus; yellow
- 炼(油),(把食用油)加热:一斤板油可以~七、八两/~猪油/菜油要~一下
- English: heat; warm; heat up
- 台球,在特制的台子上用杆子撞球的游戏:打~/~房
- English: billiards
- 担子,扁担和挂在两头的东西:△远路无轻~
- 量词,用于成担的东西:一~米(榖、水、菜)
- English: ① a carrying pole and the loads on it; load; burden ② dan, a unit of weight (=50 kilograms); picul
- 永远分别:△说~话(要死的人所说的不祥的话,事后经别人附会出来的)
- English: part forever;part never to meet again; be parted by death
- 贪污受贿的官吏
- English: greedy official
- (因怕热而)过分趋向凉快:你莫~,贪了凉要害病的!
- English: can't stand the heat