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- 指嘴边长着一撮胡子的人
- English: the man who grew a pinch of beard
- 开荤,花钱吃点好东西 :三个月不曾~,心里总有点儿难过
- English: begin or resume a meat diet
- 在粮食里捣水,旧时粮食行业用语。
- English: stir water in grain
- 边缘的部分:你莫站在船~/碗(盆子,箱子,柜子,房子,机器)~
- English: noun. edge; periphery; fringe; borderline
- (嘴)快,说话不加考虑或爱传闲话:你的嘴太~了/他生倒一张~嘴/有一点么事,他就到处~
- English: noun. gossip; regardless of the feelings of others
- (嘴)一张一合,咂(嘴):他的嘴巴总在~/一天到晚~这~那/猪~食
- 有人用“呷”字代替,汉剧《钓金龟》:“有鱼在呷食”
- English: verb. smack; smack one's lip;
- 同[嗲]: 撒娇的声音或姿态:他真是~/~相/~样子/你~么事?
- English: adj. coquettish; speak in the manner of a pampered child
- 松软:身上的肉(肌肉)是~的/肚子饿~了/猪还~倒肚子在(没喂食)
- 软绵绵:浑身软~了/软~~的
- English: adj. flabby; weak; feeble
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