下面是 动词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 捱,受,遭:~打/~骂
- 扛。承当,担负:你怪我,我也只好~倒/出了么事该你~
- 顶(住):他要扯皮的话,我们一起去~倒/我一个人是~不住的
- 客套话,承蒙、得到:~你家(您)不弃……/广韵蒸韵署陵切
- English: ① receive from above (instructions, mandate), ② undertake; contract (to do a job) ③ bear; hold; carry ④ be indebted (to sb. for a kindness); be granted a favour
- 用擀面杖来回碾,使面变得平、薄
- English: roll the dough
- English: induce perspiration (as by drugs); sweating; diaphoresis; sweat
- 旧时商店的家具杂物
- English: furniture and debris
- 把柴、煤等燃起来:天冷了,屋里要生个火
- English: make a fire; light a fire
- 生孩子
- English: deliver; be confined
- 生来,从小时候起:他~就蛮扎实(结实)/哪个~就做得到(会做)的!
- English: born with
- 人或动物的幼体从母体中分离出来:他的媳妇~了/母猫一胎~了五只
- 使柴、煤等燃烧:炉子~着了
- 果实没有成熟:西瓜是~的
- 生疏:才来的,工作蛮~
- 生硬:他说话蛮~/他的样子/你么样这~?
- 十足:~疼/~冷/~坯子(不通情理)
- English: ① give birth to; bear ② light (a fire) ③ unripe; green ④ unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange ⑤ stiff; mechanical ⑥ very
- 追:他在前头走,我在后头~
- 加快行动,使不误时:这个要~起来
- 驾驭:~马/~车子
- 驱逐:~苍蝇
- 遇上(情况):~倒一场雨
- 及,比:你连这个伢也~不上/我~得上/你一点也~不倒他/我就是~得倒他!
- English: ① catch up with; overtake ② rush for; try to catch; hurry [rush] through ③ drive ④ drive away; expel ⑤ happen to; avail oneself of ⑥ can compare with; be comparable; be up to
- 顶(住)天(含讥讽意):他是他屋里~的(指娇生惯养的孩子)
- English: be brought up by indulgent parents