下面是 动词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 支持某人或集团(使能顺利办事):我跟你~/他要撑你们的台子
- English: leading light; pillar; mainstay
- 按,压:手~住了胸(要做恶梦)/~也~不住/~倒公鸡抱儿(孵小鸡,比喻机械死板)
- English: v. press; push down
- 里急后重,本是痢疾的症状,指有急于排粪便的感觉但排不出或排不净
- English: astriction; constipation
- 积得住财物:看他真~/你存不住财(有时讥讽屎尿多的人)
- English: deposit; deposit money
- 向上进步:这伢蛮~,读书晓得用心/那伢不~,光顾倒好玩
- 勤劳节俭:他真~,会过日子得很/他不~,瞎用钱
- English: ① grow up to be a useful person ② industrious and thrifty
- English: fill to the point of bursting
- 用篙抵住河岸或河底使船移动或前进:把船~开/再~两篙子
- 使合拢的东西张开:把雨伞~倒
- 走(象棋里的“士”):~士
- English: ① push or move with a pole ② open; unfurl ③ prop up; support ④ fill to the point of bursting
- 出头,从困境中摆脱出来:我还冒~/你抻了头
- English: lift one's head; free oneself (from misery, persecution, etc.); see daylight
- 伸腰,挺直身体
- English: straighten one's back; straighten oneself up
- 本意为伸脚,谑喻死:抻了头(熬出了头)就要~
- English: die; breathe one's last