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- 民间指有火气(炎症的病因)又受了寒的症状。
- English: catch a chill; catch cold
- 本是传说中的人物,民间有“寒婆婆过江”的说法。常比喻怕冷的人(不分性别)
- English: people who are afraid of cold.
- 决心,含有争气的意思,常跟“有”或“冒得”合用:这个伢蛮有~,晓得用心读书了/看起来,你是冒得么~的!
- English: n. determination ; resolution
- 可恨,令人痛恨:他~得很/提起来真是~/他太~ 了!
- English: adj. hateful ; detestable ; abominable
- 畏惧,怕:看的出他有点~你/不管哪个你都不~/我才不~这些咧!
- English: n. fear ; dread; vt. awe
- 对人或事物强烈不满、视若仇敌:我蛮~他/他顶~你说话不算话
- English: vt. hate
- 拼命,用全力:他~的叫嚷/~的跑/~的哭/~的闹/~的吵/~的打
- English: with all one's strength
- 有威势的人:你是个~/他怕~/我今天算是遇到了~
- English: authoritative person.
- “寒瞻”之省。害怕,不大胆:他有点~/他~了/~呃~的
- English: adj. timid ; cowardly
- 形容不置可否:你莫在旁边~就是了/他只晓得~/光是~不行!
- English: not to say yes or no; be noncommittal; decline to comment; hedge; indicate neither consent nor dissent; make no comment; not to express an [any] opinion; not to give a definite answer; refrain from making known one's attitude; refuse to comment.