下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 胡乱翻动(查找),骂人的话:他到处~是为么事?
- English: shuffle
- 骚,举止轻佻、不正派,新俚语:她蛮~/一副~样子/~相
- English: adj. coquettish
- 参看“笋子”
- English: bamboo shoot
- 现脚手。头露原形,现出真相(指人,含贬义)。例句:他这样做,就现了包公/尽他自家~
- English: show oneself in one's true colors; be revealed in one's true colors; be seen [revealed] for what it is; betray oneself; completely unmasked [exposed]; expose fully one's true colors; He revealed himself for what he was.; One's features were fully
- 头露经济窘迫的状况。例句:~碰倒要用钱,就~了/平常靠扯债拉债过日子,总有一天要~的/他到底先了脚手
- English: on one's beam ends
- 做了坏事今生就得到报应的人,也指极其卑微下流的人。例句:这真是~/他是个~
- English: retribution in this life
- 丢魂的人
- English: the person who lose one's wits;
- 固执,认死理:这个人才~/你真是~
- English: obstinate; stubborn; persist in; cling to
- 结怨,结下强烈不满或仇恨:两个人为钱结了烟子/他们是多年结的烟子
- English: contract enmity; incur hatred
- 结实,健壮:这伢长得真~!
- 坚硬:饼子好~呀,咬都咬不动~
- English: ① strong; sturdy; tough; robust ② solid