下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 整洁,好看。例如:你把房里捡得蛮~咧!
- English: clean and tidy; neat; trim; shipshape; natty; spruce; prim.
- 猛的吃很多食物。例如:今天他心情不好,~了半天,也不怕长胖。
- English: to eat and drink gluttonously.
- 挑拨是非。例句:他蛮~/到处~
- English: cause alienation between (friends) by spreading rumors; foment trouble; foment discord
- 唱反调,唱对台戏,比喻提出相反的主张,采取相反的行动,用来反对或搞垮对方。例句:他光跟我~/两个人总是~
- English: sing a different tune; deliberately speak or act contrary to; strike up a discordant tune.
- 形容微微出汗的样子:他身上~的/巴掌心捏得~的。
- English: sweating a little; perspires slightly.
- 像盐那样的味道:菜舞的太~了/~得进不得口/△~得像盐签子/△有盐同~,无盐同淡。
- English: adj. salted; salty
- 可怜的钱,极少的钱:手上只有几个~/他的~舍不得用。
- English: a little money
- 天寒地冻,形容气候寒冷:~的,到处跑么事!
- English: misc. very cold; freezing; The weather is so cold that the ground is frozen.