
下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。


    1. 生就,生来就有:个头高矮不完全是~的/胆子大小都不是~的/~一半,学成一半
    2. English: be born with


    1. 鱼目混珠:你莫在那里~/他这回~捞了几个
    2. English: pass off fish eyes as [for] pearls -- pass off the sham as the genuine; get sb. to accept ignorantly a false article; mix the fictitious with the genuine; mix the genuine with the fictitious; palm off sth.; pass fish eyes for pearls

    1. 人或动物的幼体从母体中分离出来:他的媳妇~了/母猫一胎~了五只
    2. 使柴、煤等燃烧:炉子~着了
    3. 果实没有成熟:西瓜是~的
    4. 生疏:才来的,工作蛮~
    5. 生硬:他说话蛮~/他的样子/你么样这~?
    6. 十足:~疼/~冷/~坯子(不通情理)
    7. English: ① give birth to; bear ② light (a fire) ③ unripe; green ④ unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange ⑤ stiff; mechanical ⑥ very
