
下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。


    1. (睡的)安稳、程度深:我昨天晚上睡了蛮久才~
    2. 安心,心情平静正常:他做事不~/你要~读书
    3. English: ① calm the nerves; soothe the nerves ② feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest


    1. 比喻柔和的话,即甜言蜜语,用来讨好、麻痹对方。例句:△下~/用~碟
    2. English: speak sugared [honeyed] words; coax with delusive promises; fine-sounding words; honeyed words; honey-sweet words; one's honeyed tongue and sugary words; practise cajolery; speaking softly; sugarplum; sweet words and honeyed phrases; wheedle


    1. 圆满,周到。例句:说话~些/多说点~的/事情做~了
    2. 帮助,接济。例句:亲戚朋友总要~下子/污你~了我/想个麽法子~一下。
    3. English: ① satisfactory; perfect; ② give material assistance to; give financial help to; offer pecuniary aid to

    1. 延迟,耽搁,拖拉:他~了半天才说/做事莫~呃~的!
    2. English: delay; lag; defer; postpone; put off; hold over; retard
