下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 坚硬,挺直:这种纸蛮~/也有人写作“硬枪”,《西游记》第七十五回:“身上毛都如彼软熟,只此人根如此硬枪,必然是救我命的。”
- English: hard; solid; stiffness; rigidity; flintiness; straight and upright
- 物体由于摩擦、碰撞、刻刮等造成的损伤(不同于腐蚀、风化、锈烂等造成的损坏)
- English: adj. bruising; misc. mechanical damage
- 质地很硬的东西:这种布是~的。
- English: hard texture of things
- 煮米饭因水少火小而未能熟透:这饭含了浆/~饭吃不得!
- 煮面条因水少或水不滚未能熟透:这面含了浆/~面吃不得!
- English: half-cooked rice
- 挺着,僵着:你把腰~点/颈子莫~
- English: erect, straighten
- 硬邦邦,形容坚硬或生硬(含贬义):饼干~的/~的衣服穿倒不舒服/他说话~的/~的样子
- English: very stiff
- 骨气,刚强不屈的气概:他还有点~/一个人是要有~
- English: adj. strong-willed
- 参看“憨子”
- English: slow-poke, woodenhead ; thickhead
- 争气,不甘落后或示弱:你要~一些/我非要硬这一口气
- 赌气,因为不满意或受指责而任性(行动):他~不来了/你跟哪个~煞?/莫~!
- English: ①. try to make a good showing; try to win credit for; try to bring credit to. ②. feel wronged and act rashly; from [out of] spite; get in a rage (often insist on doing sth. regardless of the consequences).
- 只知尽量吃和睡,糊糊涂涂过日子:△~横长肉
- English: adj. ignorant ; muddleheaded