
下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。

    1. 物体内部组织紧密,受外力作用后不容易变形(跟“瓤”相对):~板子/石头蛮~
    2. (性格)刚强,(意志)坚定,(态度)坚决或执拗:他的脾气~/话说~些/叫他不去他~要去
    3. 勉强:他~爬上去了
    4. English: ① adj. hard ; stiff ; strong ; firm; ② adj. strong; firm; tough; obstinate ③ manage to do sth. with difficulty.


    1. 讥笑,挖苦:我~他几句/莫说~话/莫~人
    2. English: vt. ridicule; jeer; sneer at; deride; speak sarcastically or ironically

    1. 笨,不灵巧,不灵活:他是个~样子/~相/~的~气/~头~脑/~~的/△~人有~福
    2. English: adj. foolish ; clumsy

    1. 迟、晚,比规定的时间或合适的时间靠后:他今天来~了/睡得蛮~/天这样~还要出去?
    2. English: adj. late, delayed, slow, tardy


    1. 心甘情愿,心里愿意(受苦、吃亏)。例句:跟大家在一起辩这差事,是你自己~了的。
    2. English: be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...; be totally willingly content oneself with...; be of one's free will; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul; with good cheer

    1. 完整,全部:鸡蛋吃~的/~块布/~栋房子/一~个/~个的
    2. 亲密无间:两个人~得很
    3. English: ① adj. complete; integrated; intact; whole; entire ② be on very intimate terms with each other; be hand and [in] glove with each other; be thick with sb.; closely united; feel [be] very close to each other; not keeping anything from each other

    1. 厌烦,嫌麻烦而讨厌。例句:这事我做~了/他活~了 /跟你过~了
    2. 纠结,互相缠绕,用于人际关系。例句:你们几个人成天~在一起。
    3. English: ① resentment; enmity; grudge ② be entangled with; be intertwined with
