下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 抓紧时机,毫不拖延:这个事要~做/不早了,~吃了饭去上班/趁空~把信写起来好寄出去
- English: catch occasion by the forelock; take occasion by the forelock; without delay
- 令人害怕:半夜走路~/医院里蛮~/你说的还蛮有一些~咧!/瘮,集韵寝韵楚锦切:“骇恐貌”
- English: make one's blood run cold; make people feel uncomfortable ; be horrified ; scare sb.
- 口感,即味道:这个菜有点~/吃起来~不错
- 感觉,兴趣:这个事他冒得么~
- 分寸,准头:你说话简直冒得么~!
- English: ① n. taste ; flavor ; mouthfeel ② sense perception; interest ③ proper limits for speech or action; sense of propriety
- 伤风,传染病,症状是咽喉发干、鼻塞、咳嗽、打喷嚏、头痛、发烧等
- 感兴趣,新起的俚语:我对看戏不太~/他对看电视有点~
- English: ① cold; common cold; influenza; ② be interested in ; care a hang
- 神态不自然:他们为我的事争起来,弄得我不晓得几~!
- 矫捷,坦然,无顾虑:自家出钱~些
- English: ① awkward; embarrassed ② calm; unperturbed; having no misgivings
- English: find sth. satisfactory; be gratified
- English: fitting one's hand
- 固执地不服劝导:都在说他,他还在那里~
- English: obstinate; stubborn
- 趁机会、赶浪头:~的闹/他真会~!
- English: take advantage of the occasion; seize the chance