
  • 字词: 哼呃哈的
  • 国际音标: xən55 ə xa55 ·ti (xən˥ ə xa˥ ·ti)
  • 方言拼音: hēn e hā di
  • 普通话拼音: hēng e hā de
  • 方言发音:
    1. 播放:
    2. 播放:
  • 解释及例句:
    1. 形容不置可否:你莫在旁边~就是了/他只晓得~/光是~不行!
    2. English: not to say yes or no; be noncommittal; decline to comment; hedge; indicate neither consent nor dissent; make no comment; not to express an [any] opinion; not to give a definite answer; refrain from making known one's attitude; refuse to comment.
  • 分类标签: 形容词