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- 竹席
- English: noun. bamboo mat
- 墨水,写钢笔字用的各种颜色的水:蓝 ~ / 红 ~
- English: noun. ink
- 用糖做馅儿的饼子
- English: The stuffing sugar cookies.
- 自来水笔,笔杆里储存墨水装置的钢笔。现在一般叫“钢笔”。
- English: noun. pen; fountain pen
- 祝贺寿辰。例句:跟老人家~
- English: congratulate an elderly person on his birthday; offer birthday felicitations
- 颜色,染料:青 ~ / 红 ~ / 蓝 ~ / 紫红 ~
- 墨水:灌一点 ~
- English: noun. indigo; indigo-blue
- 抬起脚后跟,用脚尖站着:我踮起脚来望 / 你把脚踮高些
- English: on tiptoe; to stand on tiptoe
- 做褥子用的棉絮
- English: sleeping mats
- 没有熟透的甘薯
- 比喻又傻又犟的人:△生苕甜,熟苕粉,~,冒得整[无法可治]
- English: half-done sweet potato; metaphor stupid and stubborn person
- 比喻人的技术或技能很水,很一般。例句:他是一个~!
- English: poor technology, unskillful
2015-2024 v12.2 a-j-e-0