- 字词: 硬气
- 国际音标: ŋən35 tɕʻi35 (ŋən˧˥ tɕʻi˧˥)
- 方言拼音: èn qì
- 普通话拼音: yìng qì
- 方言发音: 播放:
语音:女声 - 解释及例句:
- 争气,不甘落后或示弱:你要~一些/我非要硬这一口气
- 赌气,因为不满意或受指责而任性(行动):他~不来了/你跟哪个~煞?/莫~!
- English: ①. try to make a good showing; try to win credit for; try to bring credit to. ②. feel wronged and act rashly; from [out of] spite; get in a rage (often insist on doing sth. regardless of the consequences).
- 分类标签: 形容词