
    1. 心甘情愿,心里愿意(受苦、吃亏)。例句:跟大家在一起辩这差事,是你自己~了的。
    2. English: be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...; be totally willingly content oneself with...; be of one's free will; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul; with good cheer


    1. 梗儿、某些植物的枝或茎:白菜~/高粱~/荷叶~
    2. 镯子,戴在手腕或脚腕上的环形装饰品:金~/玉石~/蒜苗~/风藤~
    3. English: ① n. stalk; stem; stick ② n. bracelet
