1. 完整,全部:鸡蛋吃~的/~块布/~栋房子/一~个/~个的
    2. 亲密无间:两个人~得很
    3. English: ① adj. complete; integrated; intact; whole; entire ② be on very intimate terms with each other; be hand and [in] glove with each other; be thick with sb.; closely united; feel [be] very close to each other; not keeping anything from each other

    1. 噎,(喉咙)堵塞:吃的糍粑~在心(胃)里了
    2. 整个儿吞:~了半天冒~下去/鸭子~螺蛳(比喻说话结结巴巴)
    3. English: choke (with emotion); feel a lump in one's throat

    1. 涝,庄稼因雨水过多而被淹:田里~了/去年干,今年~
    2. 淹没,(大水)漫、盖:河里涨水,桥都~了
    3. English: vt. flood ; submerge

    1. 厌烦,嫌麻烦而讨厌。例句:这事我做~了/他活~了 /跟你过~了
    2. 纠结,互相缠绕,用于人际关系。例句:你们几个人成天~在一起。
    3. English: ① resentment; enmity; grudge ② be entangled with; be intertwined with


    1. (睡的)安稳、程度深:我昨天晚上睡了蛮久才~
    2. 安心,心情平静正常:他做事不~/你要~读书
    3. English: ① calm the nerves; soothe the nerves ② feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest
