
下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。


    1. 不认得字的
    2. English: not know a single word; not know B [a B] from a battledore; not know even the simplest characters; be unable to recognize a single written character; unable to tell one word from another; not know B from a bull's foot; ignorant of letters

    1. 娇嫩(跟“老”相对)
    2. 资格、经验、才能等不足:你还~得很
    3. 欠程度:衣服边子踩(用缝纫机)~了(留得过窄)
    4. 食物烹调时间短:肉炒得蛮~
    5. English: ① adj. tender; delicate ② adj. inexperienced; unskilled ③ not enough; insufficient; short of; lack ④ (of cooking) tender; underdone


    1. 玩笑,随便:找了他这个~人,我不大么放心/他做事~流了/散的~
    2. English: be too free in one's behaviour


    1. 走神儿,思想不集中:你莫~,好生听我说!
    2. 三心二意:办事情散不得神
    3. 松劲:他这些时散了神
    4. English: ① adj. distracted ; absent-minded ② be of two minds; change one's mind constantly; double-minded; have two minds; instability; shilly-shally; undecided


    1. 裹了馅的糖果,比喻甜言蜜语。
    2. English: speak sugared [honeyed] words; coax with delusive promises; fine-sounding words; honeyed words; honey-sweet words; one's honeyed tongue and sugary words; practise cajolery; speaking softly; sugarplum; sweet words and honeyed phrases; wheedle


    1. 逍遥,无拘无束,自由自在:日子过得真~/他是个~人
    2. English: free and unfettered; leisurely; unhurried; wander about at leisure; remain free
