下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- 比喻心计多的人。例句:他是个~,主意多得很。
- English: crafty, be full of craft and cunning; be full of (cunning) tricks
- 形容弯曲很多。例句:山窝子里尽是~的小路/线丝弄得~的,锤直了才好用。
- English: in twists and turns; having many bends and curves
- 个子很高(多指少年)
- English: adj. tall, high
- 特别精明的人(常指小孩):这个小家伙是个~
- English: a smart guy
- 圆而细长中空的东西。例如:橡皮(玻璃、塑料、钢)~。
- 喉咙的戏谑说法。例如:你的~好响。
- English: ① n. tube; pipe; valve ② choke; bronchia; hollow throat
- 轻浮,狂妄:你莫太~了/他~得很/~起来了/~的~气/你~的么事煞?
- 随口,信口:他总是~倒款/你莫~倒吹/~倒
- English; ① adj. frivolous; flippant; wildly arrogant; extremely conceited ② Talk recklessly
- 观察场合、情景。例如:说话要晓得~/他不会~。
- English: observe the occasion
- 观察别人的神色,留意反应。例如:出出进进观点神/你说话总不~。
- English: examine a man's language and observe his countenance; take one's cue from sb.'s words and facial expressions; watch a person's every mood