下面是 形容词 的分类列表,点击标题进入完整页面,可查看更多内容。
- English: over and over (again); a dozen of times; again and again; repeatedly; time and again; times without [out of] number
- 弯弯曲曲,歪歪扭扭:他长得像~/这棵树是个~
- English: in twists and turns; having many bends and curves
- 三三两两,三个一群两个一伙(指人)
- English: by twos and threes; (gather) in twos and threes; in crowds; in small groups
- 形容行动敏捷利索:~吃完了/做事~的,莫拖!
- English: quick off the mark
- 零零落落,断断续续:你们要一路来,~不好招乎/吃饭为么事要~的?
- English: ① bits here and there; odds and ends; in piecemeal fashion ② continue from time to time; intermittently; off and on; on and off; work in snatches
- 没有骨气:这个人蛮~/△~忘八
- 没有骨气的人:他是个~
- English: have no backbone; have no moral integrity
- 比喻不屑一顾(踢来踢去)。例如:满街的冬瓜~。
- English: beneath attention ; beneath contempt ; beneath notice
- 吃剩的饭菜。旧日的乞丐在乞讨时呼喊“把点~!”
- English: leftovers ; scraps ; leavings of meals ; scran
- 不尴不尬,左右为难,不好处理:事情弄得~的不好办/碗里吃的~,糟蹋粮食!
- English: in a dilemma; be in a bind; be in a quandary about ...; be in dilemma
- 旧时指衣着很讲究,奢华
- English: be was expensively dressed